Pursuing a better tomorrow

This great novel will inspire you and give you wings to fight for your goals.

Are you ready to get them?

Although her origins lie in the village of Nocedo del Valle, in the region of Galicia, Blanca De La Rosa was born in Dominican Republic in the bosom of a humble family. Fate wanted her to be the living proof that we all can achieve our goals. From a childhood in the projects of New York, she ended up an executive at the American corporation ExxonMobil. It was when assessing her life that she decided to dig into her ancestors’ history and trace it back to her origins. 

Pursuing a Better Tomorrow is more than a novel gathering the history of three generations throughout over a hundred years, it’s a wonderful journey from Spain to the United States of America showing the reader our recent history, the ideologies of each time, the harshness of immigration, the struggle for survival, the courage of its main characters and the tricks of destiny, but most of all the strength required to reach a better tomorrow.

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  • English
Bolsillo tapa blanda
18,00 €
19,54 US$15,00 £389,77 MX$

Sobre Blanca De La Rosa (Escritor)

  • Blanca De La Rosa
    Aunque sus orígenes están en el pueblo de Nocedo del Valle, en Galicia, Blanca De La Rosa nació en República Dominicana en el seno de una familia humilde. El destino quiso que ella fuese la prueba patente de que podemos alcanzar las metas que nos propongamos. De vivir una infanci... Ver más sobre el autor


  • «A story that shows you that if you want, you can. Don't stop reading it and fighting for your dreams."

  • «Heartbreaking and wonderful in equal parts»

  • «Essential reading. How the tricks of destiny can save your life »

  • «A story told by a 9/11 survivor that makes you believe in destiny. A delight of history »


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