Empower yourself

for an amazing career

Who says you cannot climb the corporate ladder?

Your boss, coworkers, jealous peers?

Has your career turned into a job? Do you ever sit and wonder what ever happened to your career? Where and when did you get off track? How do you revive your career after it has derailed? In this book author Blanca De La Rosa will detail and reveal what she has learned after thirty years in the corporate environment. If you want to get your career back on track, empower yourself so that you can create an amazing career. 

Empowering yourself and using a holistic approach will help distinguish you from the pack and demonstrate to your organization how you can positively impact the bottom line.

Empower Yourself for an Amazing Career contains a wealth of information about personal career mistakes and is invaluable to anyone that dreams of building a successful career. This book incorporates personal stories and strategies for overcoming adversity in the workplace.

You will discover how to assess the journey of your career, how to manage a bad manager, how to deal with career failure, and how to develop a career road map with uplifting and inspiring advice. 

The Author offers a fresh approach on climbing the corporate ladder, com- bining practical advice with inner wisdom, providing strategies to increase the chances of success in the workplace. 

Salud, Espiritualidad y Autoayuda
  • English
14,8 cm
21 cm
Edición en papel
15,00 €
319,24 MX$15,57 US$12,50 £

Sobre Blanca De La Rosa (Escritor)

  • Blanca De La Rosa
    Aunque sus orígenes están en el pueblo de Nocedo del Valle, en Galicia, Blanca De La Rosa nació en República Dominicana en el seno de una familia humilde. El destino quiso que ella fuese la prueba patente de que podemos alcanzar las metas que nos propongamos. De vivir una infanci... Ver más sobre el autor


  • “This valuable book of insights can be used by anyone, in any job, at any level, who is striving to get ahead.”

    New England Book Festival 2012

  • “... An accessible guide for empowering women to advance in their careers.” — Kirkus Reviews

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